The following code will color code the grid based on a
field; I am using a field to set the value of an incoming email. The value of
the field “Unread” is checked to set the color of the record to red
every time a new email arrives it updates the field on the record which in turn
turns the record red.
function ColorGridByNewEmail() {
var indexPriority = 0;
// var indexSRStatus = 0;
var iColumns = 0;
if (window.document.getElementById('gridBodyTable') != null)
var gridBar = window.document.getElementById('gridBodyTable');
if (gridBar != null
&& gridBar != "undefined")
var headers = gridBar.getElementsByTagName('TH');
//Total no. of columns in the view
iColumns = headers.length;
for (var iL = 0; iL
< headers.length; iL++) {
var header = headers[iL];
switch (header.innerText) {
case "Email":
indexPriority = iL;
if (indexPriority != 0) {
//Get the Grid records
var oItems = window.document.getElementById('gridBodyTable');
_iTotalRecords = oItems.rows.length -
oItems.rows[0].style.display = 'none';
for (var i = 1; i
< oItems.rows.length; i++) {
var cellPriority =
//var cellSRStatus =
if (cellPriority != null) {
//Case Status = Unassigned, Response
Received, and Change Request
//Make the grid row "RED" color
if (cellPriority.innerText == "Unread") {
oItems.rows[i].style.color = 'red';
for (var iHeadLoop = 0; iHeadLoop
< iColumns; iHeadLoop++) {
if (oItems.rows[i].cells[iHeadLoop].children[0] != null &&
oItems.rows[i].cells[iHeadLoop].children[0] != 'undefined'
&& oItems.rows[i].cells[iHeadLoop].children[0] != undefined) {
(oItems.rows[i].cells[iHeadLoop].children[0].children[0] != null && oItems.rows[i].cells[iHeadLoop].children[0].children[0]
!= 'undefined' &&
oItems.rows[i].cells[iHeadLoop].children[0].children[0] != undefined) {
(oItems.rows[i].cells[iHeadLoop].children[0].children[0].children[0] != null &&
oItems.rows[i].cells[iHeadLoop].children[0].children[0].children[0] != 'undefined' &&
oItems.rows[i].cells[iHeadLoop].children[0].children[0].children[0] !=
undefined) {
if (oItems.rows[i].cells[iHeadLoop].children[0].children[0].children[0].children[0]
!= null &&
!= 'undefined' &&
!= undefined) {
= 'red';
This piece of code is called by an enable/disable rule of a
button placed on the ribbon “colorcode” as shown in the image below. Also we
need to place the field based on which this color coding has to be done on all
the views where we need to show the color coding
I am using a visual ribbon editor to call the “ColorGridByNewEmail”
function on an enable/disable rule as shown in the image below.Please change
the library name as per your own web resource where you place the “ColorGridByNewEmail”